1c Therapy and Support Groups
Groups provide information about symptoms, resources, treatments, and services related to diagnosed psychiatric conditions.
Therapy Groups
Intended to empower individuals and family members, these groups are essential to a comprehensive approach to optimal treatment. F&CS therapists stay informed about the treatment their clients and their family members’ clients are receiving and incorporate the skills being taught to groups into private sessions.
In the fall of 2016, Family & Children’s Service launched two new groups. In conjunction with the Advocacy Center, one of our clinicians led a support group for male survivors of sexual abuse. This closed, time-limited, psychoeducational group was intended for men who disclosed abuse in therapy. All participants in this group had to be actively be enrolled in therapy.
Another clinician hosted several sessions of a yoga and mindfulness group in which she used chair-based yoga therapy to teach group members how to regulate moods and treat anxiety. Group participants learned breathing techniques and stretching.
Therapy groups on a variety of topics will be offered at different times throughout the year. For more information, please call 607-273-7494.
Support Groups
Caregiver Support Group offers a free, educational and supportive environment for caregivers helping an older adult family member. The group is facilitated by a Family & Children’s Service therapist and addresses issues faced by caregivers. There is no charge for this group and participants need not be existing clients of Family and Children’s Service in order to attend the group sessions.
Grandparents Support Group offers a free educational discussion group for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. The group is facilitated by a Family & Children’s Service therapist and addresses the unique challenges and issues facing grandparents. Participants need not be existing clients of Family and Children’s Service in order to attend the free group sessions.
Fees for service are reimbursable through Medicaid, Medicare, and private health insurance. This practice serves all patients regardless of inability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income. We do so through generous support from the United Way and private individual and corporate donations.
For more information on groups, please call (607) 273-7494.