If you are interested in joining our Board of Directors, or volunteering on a board committee, please contact development@fcsith.org – Meet our Board of Directors.
Current Volunteer Opportunities:
We are currently seeking individuals who are interested in becoming a Host Home provider for our Open Doors program. Open Doors provides services to youth up to age 21, and their families, who have run away or are at-risk of running away and are interested in reunifying with family. Host Homes, also known as interim families, provide a safe, temporary place to stay for teens and youth who are at risk of running away from home, or are currently without shelter.
Pending certification from OCFS, you too can become a volunteer Host Home. Download this Host Home Manual for more information.
please call 607-273-7494 and ask to speak with someone in our Youth & Outreach Department or email info@fcsith.org