Family & Children’s Service of Ithaca’s 24th Annual Youth Services Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Friday, April 26, from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Ithaca VFW (423 W State St. Ithaca). Tickets can be purchased in advance online or by calling Family & Children’s Service at 273-7494. Ticket prices are $9 for adults and $6 for children (age 12 and under) or $30 for a family.
Gluten-free spaghetti will be available. Take-out dinners are also available.
The dinner benefits the Youth Services programs including DAP, ROP, Open Doors, and KinECT. This is a special event because our youth participants volunteer to work as the wait staff and hosts at the dinner. A fun and colorful CAKE WHEEL is a highlight at 75 cents per spin. Raffle tickets will also be sold at $1 per ticket for a chance to win some wonderful prizes. All proceeds benefit the Youth Services Enrichment Fund which provides recreational, educational, and other opportunities to youth in our programs.