Author: admin

F&CS presents our 2023 Annual Impact Report, including a message from our Executive Director and Board Chair, our financials, and statistics about who we serve. Click below to view a comprehensive snapshot of our operations in 2023.   [pdf-embedder url="" title="2023-AnnualReport-SinglePages"] Please click...

Our 2019 Summer Newsletter focuses on connections. From a touching interview with those who knew and loved Marjorie Waldman-Wolga, Associate Director of F&CS from 1974 to 1989, to new events and our challenge to end youth homelessness, this newsletter reminds...

Every year, our agency faces challenges and opportunities for growth. In 2018, we faced a major change in leadership, but with a determination to keep our mission at the forefront, we emerged with new energy and a refreshed commitment for...

Feeling the love of family and the safety of home is at the core of what we hope people feel after working with staff at Family & Children’s Service of Ithaca. Many of our youth programs focus on strengthening home life and...

On Saturday March 3rd, we held our 4th annual Peace of Mind: A Day of Yoga and Wellness event, formerly known as the Peace of Mind Yogathon.  A record number of participants came together to share a day of yoga...